When you use the Indigo MasterCard, you show lenders that you are a responsible person who knows how to best manage your finances, while giving yourself access to a range of benefits, from credit line increases and competitive interest rates to 24/7 access to accounts and simple card management. You shouldn’t put your dreams on hold just because you’ve had a bit of a difficult financial past – which we all do from time to time! By applying for this card now and putting in the hard work of paying off your purchases on time, you could one day land a new home on the street you love so much, or maybe even start an animation studio at some point! If you ever get the chance in the future, buy a house or start a business.

Indigo allows you to focus on living your best life while preparing for tomorrow! Why choose Indigo Mastercard? Get pre-qualified easily and securely without affecting your credit score! You don’t have to spend a lot of money to enjoy the benefits of the Indigo MasterCard. You know how impossible it can be to start a business when your credit is less than stellar, but that’s where the Indigo MasterCard can help. With the Indigo MasterCard, you can build your credit while working toward your dreams of a better life. You are unique and your indigo credit card application should reflect that. To see what’s possible with a credit card from Indigo, like no annual fee and rotating cash rewards!

You may have heard that you don’t need perfect credit to apply for a credit card, and while that’s true (and something we’re proud of!), it’s also important to remember that you need enough credit to qualify-we want you to use your card responsibly! If you’re interested in the Indigo MasterCard, you’ll be glad it won’t affect your history. It is true! If you have less than perfect credit, signing up for the Indigo Good Benefits credit card can help make your dreams come true.