If you don't, go up and jump on the ants until you do. Then once in the cave TAKE OFF ALL ITEMS so all your active characters are bare. This is so you can get your party to max level BEFORE NIMBUS LAND! First get to lands end and get past the sand pits. Then talk to the dog in Monstro Town that counts your jumps. Super Jacket: Perform 100 consecutive Super Jumps on an enemy in battle.Then talk to the dog in Monstro Town that counts the number of times you jumped. Attack Scarf: You must perform 30 consecutive Super Jumps in battle.Dodo is worth a good amount ofexperience. Grab the star and quickly kill the enemies and kill Dodo (the big, fat, black bird). In the castle of Nimbus Land, there's a short-lasting star. The better star gains even more experience.

After you buy the star, if you have 800 coins, buy another star (that is even better) and use the hint. Talk to him (you need 400 coins) and buy the star from him and you can use the hint here. When you enter the hole where there are 4 Chows, where there are many Geckits, behind the 4 crates, there is a sorcerer. In the cave of Land's End, there's a star. Where the star is, there are many starfish lying on the floor but don't fight any. This is a good spot right here to use the hint. Here's a list of boxes containing a star where they're found: When the enemy kills you, you'll return to the save box where you last saved and the box that contains the star will be restored! Then repeat the steps over and over until your satisfied with your level. If you get killed, you'll just return to the spot where you last saved and the points and levels you earned will still be the same. Then, fight an enemy and let it kill you-don't save. Once you save, get the star from the box, and start defeating enemies as much as you can with it. Easy Experienceįind an area where there is a Star in the box, but SAVE BEFORE YOU HIT THE BOX THAT CONTAINS THE STAR. Now climb up and jump at the two Treasure Chests there to recieve the Lazy Shell Armor and Weapon. Now head to Rose Town and head to the back and in the back follow a path leading to a House.Now inside talk to the man and let him use the "Seed" and "Fertalizer" and then a Vine will grow. Now keep going until you see the Shy Guy he asks for forgiveness and says he will give you a "Seed" if you let him go and you do so you receive a "Seed". When your at Nimbus Land after you beated Valentina head to the right side of Nimbus Land and head right and you should start walking in the air! The real order is identical to the first set of pictures you saw when you entered the castle. Use it to unlock the door and receive a chomp for Bowser.

Climb the beanstalk and retrieve the goodies.

The lazy shell for Mario: Retreive the seed and fertilizer and bring it to the gardener house which is somewhat hidden on a new road.In his inventory there should be a frying pan which he is selling. Walk into the store and go to your left were a funny looking mushroom man should be selling things. The frying pan for the princess: To receive this weapon, beat Nimbus Land and go to Moleville.
Here's how to find the best weapons and items in the game: