Hope this makes sense, it’s kind of confusing. I thought the mac was re-writing the permissions, but the permissions aren’t actually changing, the only problem is when the windows machines try to create a folder/file with the same name as the folder/file that was removed with the above command. If youre trying to find all files with a specific extension, you can use the find command to do this quickly and efficiently. My windows machines will try to create a folder or file with the same name, but will claim they don’t have permission to do so, or they will say the folder/file already exists when it in fact it does not exist. I have mac and windows clients attached to the shared volume “CONVERT”. Using find and sed to copy 20th line of many files into one file. Running the above command on my shared storage works, but produces an odd permission issue. You risk deleting unwanted files, too if care is not taken. You want to remove multiple files such as ‘*.jpg’ or ‘*.sh’ with one command find. name 'abc a-z 0-9' To find all files/directories located in a specific directory. To find files/directories which name begin with abc and end with one alpha character following a one digit: find. The nixCraft or author is not responsible for data loss. To find files/directories matching one of many extensions, use the or flag: find. e 'helloWorld' Share edited at 18:41 4castle 31.
#Bash find file password#
Enter your Username and Password and click on Log In Step 3. Example, if you want to find 'helloWorld' in all the files of the directory /abc/xyz, then run the following command- grep -rnw /abc/xyz -e 'helloWorld' To search a string 'HelloWorld' in the current directory, use the following command- grep -rnw.

Do not use the rm command as the root user. Go to Bash Create A File website using the links below Step 2. Before removing any files, ensure you have a backup of all critical files. WARNING! These examples may crash your computer and delete all files if executed inappropriately.